The Cross - God's Purpose and Eternal Order

by T. Austin-Sparks

Date messages given unknown. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

We shall never know the power of the cross, the dynamic of the cross, in any real fulness while we hold it down to ourselves, while we make our particular world (however needy that world may be) while we make our world of spiritual need the world of the cross. We will have to leave our ground, we will have to leave ourselves, and move on and touch some of these greater relationships, and then the thing will come back at us with something of its tremendous power. God is greater than our hearts, and the cross is vastly greater than our greatest need, and not until we have seen that shall we find that this thing, our need, ourselves, just loses a great deal of its importance. It is swallowed up, we are delivered, we have seen and felt the impact of the greatness of the cross.

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